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Thank you for your interest in presenting at the 12th SA AIDS Conference 2025. Your insights and contributions as presenters are invaluable and appreciated.

•    Closing date for late submission: 17 February 2025
•    Types of abstracts and Tracks: available on Abstract Submission Guidelines  
•    Word count:  Limited to 300 words 



The 12th SA AIDS Conference is pleased to announce that abstract co-submission with the IAS 2025 Conference has been approved. This allows abstract submitters to submit their abstracts to both the 12th SA AIDS Conference and IAS 2025 without violating the embargo policy.


Please note:
•    Co-submission does not apply to late-breaker abstracts for the 12th SA AIDS Conference.
•    Requests for co-submission must be made when submitting your abstract.


1.       Please note that registration on this portal is separate from the conference attendee registration.

2.       Registrations from past conferences are not valid for this event and cannot be reused.

3.       To begin with the submission process, you are required to create a New Account if you do not have one for the 12th SA AIDS Conference (The email used for creating an account can be different from the submitter's email address required on "Update Contact Information")

4.       Click on "Update information" to update your contact details before submitting the actual abstract

5.       Follow the steps in the "Abstract Submission" or "Edit  Abstract" tabs to finalise and/or submit the abstract.

6.       Click on "Save As Draft" or "Submit" to save the records in the Abstract Submission System.

7.       Once all required sections have been completed, you can submit your abstract in the Submit section at the bottom right of the page.

8.       Kindly save your username and password for logging in at a later time.

If you experience any issues or have queries regarding your submission, please contact the Conference Secretariat Tel: +27 87 827 1109; +27 (0) 12 110 4080 between 08:00am - 16:30pm from Monday to Friday or send an email to programme@saaids.co.za 





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